Quillan, France

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Some Features of the House in Quillan

Today, I spoke with Helen our estate agent in Quillan.  The contractor has gone to look at the house and now she is waiting for his estimates on the kitchen, electrical, painting, new shower and bathroom fixtures. I get really excited to think about the house. Sometimes, I can hardly believe we have bought a house in the South of France!  I don't ever want to lose the wonder of it all!

The house has so many features that we really love.  I especially love the door knobs!  
These door knobs are on all the doors in the house, fourteen doors total. The exception to this are the front doors.
We  also love the medallions around the soon to be light fixtures and the crown molding in the bedrooms.  The windows open inward and the shutters open outward.  All typically French! 

Some of the things that are new to us are steam heat and shutters on every window. Each time the estate agent showed us a house, she would throw open the shutters to get the natural light into the houses--much needed in many of the medieval homes!  By the time we were through looking at homes, Rod had pretty much figured out the shutter systems on most of the houses.  He always helped Helen close the houses up while I continued to look and take pictures!

The quintessential tile is in every French home.  At first, it caught us off guard. It would be multi-colored in unique patterns.  It seemed so different from what we would have in our homes in the United States, but the more I saw it (in the 48 homes we viewed) as well as the Bed and Breakfast homes where we stayed, the more I loved it.  This picture shows the tile in our entryway.
Being close to the Mediterranean, the summers get quite hot.  Many homes have tile floors to help to keep them cool.  Our house has both tile and wood and I like them both!

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