Quillan, France

Monday, May 31, 2010

The notaire has the documents!

Good news from Helen, our estate agent, in Quillan--the documents have arrived!  That means that the process to actually purchase the house has begun.  Helen will now have the contractor go to the house and give us bids on electrical, plumbing, painting, demolition in the kitchen and plaster work.  The house is really in good condition--but we need to completely redo the kitchen--with the exception of the fireplace--- and upgrade the electrical and bathrooms.

We have a friend, Chris, in Quillan. He is willing to help oversee the project once the sale is final.  We are grateful for that.  He tells us that fall will be a good time for workers because they aren't so busy that time of year.

We will not be back in Quillan until October.  It gives us lots of time to decide what items are absolutely necessary to take to France and what we will just buy there. We have been busy looking for furniture, appliances and kitchen cabinets.  Hopefully, we will get most of these items while there in October and then the contractors can work over the winter and  when we return in the Spring, the hard work will be done!  Then, we can spend our time shopping the brocantes and vidi-greniers for all of the accessories for the house!  I can hardly wait!  Of course, besides the shopping, there will always be time to enjoy a bottle of good Languedoc wine on the terrace!

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